CdeC59: Cities From the “Creator” Perspective


PhD(c) Daria Ivina

Lund University, Sweden

Sinopsis del club

We all know what cities are from the “user” perspective. We know how to take public transport and reach school from home; we know the nice place where we can meet our friends; we know what our neighbourhood looks like. All this knowledge is based on experience. In this Club, you have a chance to get a glance at how to look at the city from the “creator” perspective. During five days you can learn how the cities are shaped, and what are the main elements of infrastructure makes our cities alive. We will talk about how cities around the world are planned and developed, and the reasoning behind certain decisions in city planning. Special attention in this Club we will devote to the history of transpiration, as the main driver of cities development and progress. In the practical workshops, you will learn how to work with Geographic Information Systems and perform the digital mapping. This club will be held in english. 

Requisitos para los postulantes

El principal requisito es poder comunicarse en inglés durante el desarrollo del club.


Sábados y domingos
Hora: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Bienvenida: 30 de Julio
Días: 31 de Julio, 6, 7, 13 y 14 de Agosto 2022 (15 horas)
Clausura: 21 de Agosto

Edición virtual

Dada la situación derivada de la pandemia COVID-19, este club se dará de forma virtual. Es importante que puedas tener una laptop, tablet o celular con acceso a internet. Además tendrás acceso a un aula virtual.